Company Licensing Interval Changes

Starting November 2020 your annual company license fee will be assessed through NMLS during the year end renewal period. Additional information can be found here.

Mortgage Loan Originator Licensing

As of July 31, 2010, a license is required for all residential mortgage originators. This includes owners of mortgage broker companies if they interact with consumers in processing mortgage applications. Originators employed by depository institutions are exempt. Visit our forms and requirements page for application forms and details.

Veterans reimbursement for licensing exams

Veterans taking a state licensing examination required by the department can be reimbursed for the cost of the exam. Click here to learn more about exam reimbursement for veterans.

The Residential Mortgage Board approves or disapproves regulations proposed by the Commissioner of Finance with respect to mortgage brokering. The board also hears and determines appeals from denials or revocations of mortgage broker licenses or decisions of the Commissioner pertaining to mortgage brokering.

Mortgage Originator Renewal

Mortgage loan originators can apply to renew their Missouri MLO license. If your application is not approved by Dec. 31, 2017, your license will expire and you will be inactive on Jan. 1, 2018.

If your initial Missouri license was approved before 2017, you will have to complete eight hours of continuing education (CE) this year. If your initial license was approved this year and your pre-licensure education was completed in 2017, you should not have to complete CE until 2018.

Also, all renewal applicants will have to authorize a new credit report and criminal background check through NMLS as part of Missouri's renewal process. You should be prompted within NMLS to authorize both requirements at the time you apply for Missouri renewal.  

If you have other questions, please call us at 573-751-4243 or email Division of Finance.

Start your renewal process.

For NMLS functionality questions, please contact its call center at 855-665-7123.

Mortgage Company Licensing

Sections 443.701 - 443.893 RSMo, authorizes the Division of Finance to enforce laws regulating residential mortgage brokers and mortgage originators. Enforcement includes licensing and investigative powers.

A license is required to broker, fund, service or purchase residential mortgage loans unless the individual or company qualifies for an exemption. Before issuing a license, the Division of Finance is required to investigate each applicant for character, general fitness, experience and financial responsibility.

Mortgage Licensing FAQs

General Inquiries
Missouri Division of Finance

Truman State Office Building
Room 630
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-3242
(573) 751-9192 (fax)

Media contact
(573) 751-2562