Please note: 

  • We will review your complaint as soon as possible, however, please allow 30 days for a response. 
  • We cannot act as a court of law or as a lawyer on your behalf 
  • We cannot give you legal advice 
  • We cannot become involved in complaints that are in litigation or have been litigated 

* Required fields

Personal Information
e.g., (573-555-1212)
e.g., (573-555-1212)

If you want us to communicate with someone else, such as a family member, attorney or other person representing you regarding this complaint, please provide your representative's information below. We may share any information regarding this matter with the representative you list.

e.g., (573-555-1212)

e.g., (573-555-1212)

Describe events in the order in which they occurred, including any names, phone numbers, and a full description of the problem with the amount(s) and dates(s) of any transaction(s). 

Be brief, but provide enough information to explain your situation. 

You may be requested to supply copies of documents related to your complaint such as contracts, monthly statements, receipts, and correspondence with the financial institution.

Please be advised that the issues described in this complaint may be shared with the financial institution or company for a response. It may also be shared with other government agencies that have jurisdiction in the matter.

I certify that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, psd, txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml.

Please DO NOT provide any personal or sensitive information when filling out this form, such as a social security number, credit card, health information, account number, etc.

General Inquiries
Media Contact

Phone: (573) 751-2562

Missouri Division of Finance

Truman State Office Building
Room 630
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-3242
(573) 751-9192 (fax)