Banks and Trust
As of December 31, 2022, there were 199 banks and four nondeposit trust companies regulated by the Missouri Division of Finance.
Missouri ranks fourth in the nation in the number of state-chartered banks. Assets in Missouri state-chartered banks totaled $189.2 billion, deposits totaled $163.1 billion, and loan volume totaled $125.8 billion.
Nondeposit trust companies are required to submit their total assets under management each January. These companies held a combined total of $17.4 billion in trust assets, according to December 31, 2022, annual reports.
Federally chartered (national) banks are regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and are often identified by "national," "N.A." or "national association" in their titles.
Savings and Loan Associations
Chapter 369 RSMo requires the division to supervise state-chartered savings and loan companies and savings banks, including enforcement and execution of laws. Supervision includes periodic examinations to determine safety of operations and compliance with applicable laws. Federally chartered savings institutions are regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and are often identified by "federal," "F.S.B" or "federal savings bank" in their titles.